Day Trips From Rome

/Day Trips From Rome
Day Trips From Rome2021-11-27T08:57:08+01:00

Day trips from Rome are the trips that we do out of the city. At these Rome excursions, we start in the morning with a vehicle and turn back in the evening.

For the day trips, we have several choices.

  • Ostia Antica
  • Tivoli:
    Villa of Hadrian
    Villa d’Este
  • Castelli Romani:
    Castel Gandolfo
  • Toscana
    San Gimignano
  • Napoli
    Amalfi Coast
    Capri Island
  • Sardinia

During our Rome excursions, according to the size of our group we decide to the vehicle. We can have van with driver. Sometimes if we are just two or three people, we can go to Florence by train. Otherwise if you’re a big group we can organize a bus.

My Rome tourist guide license is valid also for the places for the excursions.

Before our day trips from Rome, probably the best way to eliminate possible surprises is always checking the weather forecast. So if we need we bring with us umbrellas and other necessary things.